Monday, August 24, 2009

A Labelled Diagram Of The Human Heart

Heart attacks have been known as the undertakers of men who are not careful with their food intake or are abusive with their bodies. Women are also prone to heart attacks but the risk is not as high as those occurring in men. Do you happen to know that recent FDA news have shown that women who are taking birth control pills are also at risk of heart attacks?
This may come as a surprise, especially to those who have been using oral contraceptives for years already. If you happen to be using birth control pills, then it is time that you must be aware of this fact and also with some of these pills that would give you a much higher risk of a heart attack.
In 1960's, when birth control pills came about, drug companies tried hard to lower down its potency. This brought about the "low-dose" oral contraceptives which proved to be detrimental for women because it doubles the risk of a heart attack. The risk returned to the normal level when the women stopped using the pills.
Most recently, Yaz, a very popular oral contraceptive, was bombarded with lawsuits because of the number of people who were adversely affected by the pill. The most severe effect is raising the risk of heart attack for women using the pill.
If you are one of the users of Yaz, you have to be aware of the symptoms of a Yaz heart attack. These symptoms are chest pain, pressure in the chest, abdominal pain, heartburn, dizziness, discomfort in the neck, shoulder, jaw or upper back, faintness, anxiety, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and shortness of breath. These are warning signs that you must have to watch out for.
The risk that comes with a cardiovascular attack should also be put at bay, wherein you must also give some consideration to other factors that would cause it. Food for instance has been known to contribute in raising the risk for a heart attack. You also have to avoid fatty foods, caffeine, and other stuff which you know contributes to the risk of having a heart attack.
In reality, if you are a person who has a medical history concerning a previous cardiovascular attack, depression, heart disease, hypertension, menopause, a metabolic syndrome, and the ever famous smoking, and you are presently taking Yaz as your birth control solution, then you have to be extra careful with your pill intake. A heart attack is just like a thief which you do not know when he would strike. So all you could really do is prepare everything to prevent it from coming.
If you were ever been victimized by Yaz, then you could always file a Yasmin lawsuit and with the right Yaz Attorney who will guide and help you receive some form of a reprieve from the drug makers of Yaz. So if you have experienced or just merely know of somebody who underwent a period of suffering from these pills, you always have the alternative of coming up with a Yasmin Lawsuit.
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